Wussy - Left for Dead (CD or LP)

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Wussy returns with Left For Dead, the follow-up to 2005’s finely received debut, Funeral Dress. On Left for Dead, the band steps further away from Chuck Cleaver’s Ass Ponys past and continues to create collectively on their own path. Production duties this time out fell on the shoulders of John Curley (Afghan Whigs) who managed to somehow balance all the parts of Wussy as equals: From swampy-Americana to Velvet Underground-infused folk to bedroom-produced pop gems. (CD Released 2007 / LP Released 2014)

SIDE A: Trail of Sadness / Rigor Mortis / Mayflies / Mille Christine / Killer Trees / Jonah

SIDE B: What’s-His-Name / Tiny Spiders / Sun Giant Says Hey / God’s Camaro / Melody Ranch / Vivian Girls

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